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Released: 2004 Acoustics V
1 On the Table
2 Lost Patience
3 Time Marches On
4 Out of Sight
5 Hard Parting
6 The Golden Age
7 Accepted
8 Invisible
9 Bound for Glory
10 Strychnine
11 The Misfit's Song
12 Evangeline
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Acoustics - (2004)

Previous Song - On the Table Lost Patience Next Song - Time Marches On

You love the taste of wine more than the stars shine
You start feeling fine again while my heart is breaking
You tell me I'm a fool to love you like I do
You've lost your mind. I've lost my patience

Everything you've done while you were having fun
Everything you said is ringing in my head
No matter where you are you take it all too far
No matter what you do I won't be there for you

Then you discover lust and you break your lover's trust
Your gold begins to rust
This is the bed you're making
And then you tell me I'm a fool to love you like I do
You've lost your mind again
I've lost my patience

Previous Song - On the Table Lost Patience Next Song - Time Marches On

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