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Found "ReLoad"
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Released: 1997 ReLoad V
1 Fuel
2 The Memory Remains
3 Devil's Dance
4 Unforgiven II
5 Better Than You
6 Slither
7 Carpe Diem Baby
8 Bad Seed
9 Where the Wild Things Are
10 Prince Charming
11 Low Man's Lyric
12 Attitude
13 Fixxxer
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ReLoad - (1997)

Previous Song - Bad Seed Where the Wild Things Are Next Song - Prince Charming

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world

Steel dreams and give to you
Shop lift a thought or two
All children touch the sun
Burn fingers one by one
By one

Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war

Big eyes to open too
Beating now under sun and moon
But does heaven know you're here?
And did they give you smiles or tears?
No, no tears

Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain through?

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war

You swing your ass all down
Call to arms are drawn out sound
Toy horses start the charge
Robots, chessmen standing guard
We shall never surrender

All children touch the sun
Burn your fingers one by one
Will this earth be good to you?
Keep you clean or stain th rough?

So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war
Off to war
Off to war

So close your little eyes

Previous Song - Bad Seed Where the Wild Things Are Next Song - Prince Charming

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