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Neil Gaiman
October 10 1960 -

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Layout Preludes & Nocturnes - 1991 Layout
"Suppose I fail? I cannot bluff Demons. But I have the pouch. I have a modicum of power.

I have hope."
   - Dream

"I will visit Constantine. Regain my pouch, and with the pouch, I will have the power to dare the gates of Hell itself...

He is, after all, just a human. Just ONE human. What could possibly go wrong?"
   - Dream

"Hullo London."
"Hullo John Constantine."
"How are you then, London?"
"All right. Full of people. Raining. You?"
"Aah. Not bad. It's almost lunchtime, so I'm heading into town for the breakfast."
"Good idea, John."
"Thank you, London."
   - John Constanine to London

Layout The Doll's House - 1989 Layout
"What... what happened?"
"You died. Let me help you up."
   - Dream

"Do you know how hungry a man can get? If he doesn't die? But doesn't eat?" 
   - Hob Gadling

"I hated every second of the last eighty years. Every bloody second. You know that?"
"And you still wish to live? Do you not seek the respite of death?"
"Are you crazy? Death is a mug's game. I got so much to live for."
   - Hob Gadling to Dream

Layout Dream Country - 1991 Layout
"This is magnificent--and it is true!

It never happened; yet it is still true. What magic art is this?"
   - Robin Goodfellow

Layout World's End - 1994 Layout
"So, like everyone else, I was staring out of one of the windows of the inn at the end of the words.

Worlds. I meant worlds."
   - Brand Tucker

"It was like I knew her. Like she was my oldest, dearest friend. The kind of person you can tell anything to, no matter how bad, and they'll still love you, because they know you. I wanted to go with her. I wanted her to notice me. And then she stopped walking. Under the moon, she stopped. And she looked at us. She looked at me. Maybe she was trying to tell me something. I don't know. She probably didn't even know I was there. But I'll always love her. All my life." 
   - Brant Tucker

"It's amazing how much one can accomplish in an evening, if one is willing to expend a little effort, and to walk briskly." 
   - Cluracan of Fairy

"Given enough time and the right audience, the darkest of secrets scum over into mere curiosities." 
   - Hob Gadling

Layout Kindly Ones - 1996 Layout
"You mustn't kill me. You don't love me. You d-don't even know me." 
   - Abel

"Dream? Give me your hand." 
   - Death

"Ngo ing zheng. He dezhergzs heou."
"If he deserves me he must have been very very good indeed. I am following my fish."
   - Delirium to Mazikeen

"Hmph. If you don't let me in, I will turn you into a demon half-face waitress night-club lady with a crush on her boss, and I'll make it so you've been that from the beginning of time to now and you'll never ever know if you were anything else and it will itch inside your head worse than little bugses." 
   - Delirium to Mazikeen

"You scarcely exist. You're a dream of a ghost of a memory of someone, who one suspects, never existed in the first place." 
   - The Furies

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